Food Wine Pairing and Why it Matters

Food Wine Pairing

Learning to appreciate wine food wine pairing is key to great dining. Learning how wine interacts with different foods will help you create a unique and enjoyable dining experience for you and your guests. Our hotels Head Sommelier, Andrzej, is passionate about helping people find great enjoyment and appreciation of…

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Healthy Irish Food in the Heart of Ireland

healthy Irish Food

  Healthy Irish food and drink have always represented communication, relaxation, exchange, comfort, romance, relationships and friendships. Food and beverages have strong ties to how we communicate. Our food choices reflect our mood, our status and our personality. Every culture has food etiquette embodying many meanings.   Food Your Way…

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Food Stories, A Fresh Modern Take on Hotel Food

Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone places great value its food offering coupled with great relationships with organic, local and national food suppliers. We have been witness to and are creators of some great food stories. Hiring only chefs and kitchen staff with exceptional talents in the culinary arts allows for a…

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Back to School doesn’t have to be Stressful

back to school

This week saw children and teenagers going back or starting school or college for the first time. The new school term marks the end of yet another summer. It also marks the end of unstructured days, unmotivated children, constant taxiing and repeated mantras of “I’m bored” for parents. Mark Your…

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Ireland’s Sacred Centre: Mythology, Mystery & History

Ireland's sacred centre

  If you’re looking for something different or something that will give you that wow factor during your stay at Hodson Bay Hotel in Athlone then go to Ireland’s sacred centre,  the Hill of Uisneach. Mythology, mystery and history shroud this once incredibly vibrant sacred site. Learn of the Sun…

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Athlone Castle, A Place to Visit

Athlone Castle stands proudly on the banks of the River Shannon in Athlone Town. If you are looking for a hotel near Athlone Castle then Hodson Bay is the perfect choice. Athlone Castle is a fantastic structure with an even more fantastic history associated with warriors and leaders from various…

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Bamboo Massage: A Preventive Healing Therapy

Bamboo Massage

  Bamboo massage is at the forefront of the massage industry. It is quickly becoming the new treatment at top spas and resorts around the country. And here at Hodson Bay Hotel, we promote this massage for its unusual properties and numerous health benefits. Bamboo massage is a preventive therapy; defeating…

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